Päättyneet hankkeet

Päättyneet hankkeet vuodesta 2015 eteenpäin


Berhan Lehetsanat

Creating Sustainable Solutions for Inclusion and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in Chilga Woreda, 2021-2024, Ethiopia

Creating a Safe and Equitable Living and Learning Environment for Children with Disabilities in Ethiopia, 2019-2021, Ethiopia

Access to Education for Children with Disabilities, 2017-2018, Ethiopia

Creating Access to education for Children with Disabilities, 2014-2016, Ethiopia


Educational Support and Economic Empowerment, 2015, Ethiopia


Loo Niva Child Concern Group

Strengthening Education Policies and Ensuring the Right to Education in Nepal (SEEN), 2019-2022, Nepal

Concern for Education II (CFE II), 2015-2017, Nepal

Education Governance Project (EGP), 2014-2016, Nepal

Loo Niva Child Concern Group & Patan Community Based Rehabilitation

Promoting the Right to Education and Protection of the Most Vulnerable Children (PREP), 2021–2024, Nepal

Accountable and Inclusive Schools (AISP), 2017-2020, Nepal

Children and Women in Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH)

Enhancing Child Protection Systems (ECPS), 2015-2017, Nepal

Promoting Child Rights through Educational Settings (PCRTES), 2014-2016, Nepal

nepalilainen lapsi, jolla on sininen pipo

Tule kummiksi

Kummina muutat kummilapsen elämän ja mahdollistat koulunkäynnin, turvallisen lapsuuden sekä perheelle riittävän toimeentulon. Tukesi hyödyttää koko yhteisöä ja saat säännöllisesti kuulumisia kummilapseltasi.

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