Welcome to participate in Interpedia’s adoption info. During the meeting we introduce our organisation and our adoption co-operation partners and their current situation. The info is held using Cisco Webex Meetings platform on Thursday 25th of April 2024 at 16-17:30.We will send instructions on how to use Webex and a participation link to all who have registered to the info meeting. It is possible to send questions in advance when you register to the info. We will try to answer all questions during the meeting. During the info it is possible to ask questions either through the chat function or directly through the microphone. Sign in to Webex using only your first name or a pseudonym, this way the participants don’t get information about each other.The adoption info will be held in English. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, adoptio@interpedia.fi. Please register to the info using the form below before 23.4.2024. Registration "*" näyttää pakolliset kentät Name* First name Surname Phone numberE-mail* Number of participants 1 person 2 persons Date of the info* PP slash KK slash VVVV QuestionsThe questions sent in advance will be handled anonymouslyCAPTCHANameKenttä on validointitarkoituksiin ja tulee jättää koskemattomaksi.