Development cooperation Development cooperation projects Children with disabilities in Chilga, Ethiopia

Children with disabilities in Chilga, Ethiopia

Realizing the Rights of Children with Disabilities in Chilga Woreda, 2025-2028

Partner organisation: Berhan Lehetsanat

Project location: Chilga woreda, North Gondar Region

In Ethiopia, disability remains a significant cause of social and economic exclusion. The country has made efforts to promote inclusive education, but additional work is still needed to identify CwDs and to get them to school. Change is also needed in the communities’ discriminatory practices. The capacity of local duty-bearers must also be strengthened.

The project enhances the right to inclusive and quality pre-school and primary education of the CwDs. The rights of 400 CwDs are improved, and the right of 160 children/youth with disabilities and their families to an adequate standard of living is strengthened. In addition, the capacity of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and other stakeholders to realize the rights of people with disabilities by advocating inclusion, gender equality, and non-discrimination is enhanced.

The project implements community-based rehabilitation in five new kebeles. In addition, in the five kebeles where the organizations worked before, the focus is on empowering people with disabilities to demand their rights and increasing the awareness and capacity of duty-bearers.

The final beneficiaries are the area’s children and youth with disabilities and their families, but the results of the project’s advocacy extend much further. The project tackles all typical obstacles for CwDs in relation to education, health and community attitudes, and its added value is comprehensiveness.

The main beneficiary group are CwDs, who are discriminated against especially because of age and disability, some of them also because of gender, socio-economic status, or other reasons. The main activities focus on rights holders’ access to education, rehabilitation, and livelihood, but the project also affects the root causes.

Interpedia’s partner in Ethiopia, Berhan Lehetsanat, is an expert organisation in Community Based Rehabilitation and most of the selected approaches to work with government offices and with communities have been tested for their effectiveness.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland is financing 92,5 % of the project and Interpedia’s donations cover 7,5 %.

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